
An Unfinished Love Story

A Personal History of the 1960s

By Doris Kearns Goodwin

Audible Narrated by the author and Bryan Cranston

With Audio from the Speeches of JFK, LBJ, MLK RFK & Others

Review by Stacy Holmes

Dick Goodwin passed away in his home in Concord, Massachusetts in 2018 at age 86. When he was in his 80s and his wife Doris Kearns Goodwin was in her 70s they started opening a huge collection of boxes stored in their garage from their time in the 1960s serving Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Each wrote the many of the words Kennedy and Johnson used to win election to the Presidency and put in place the dramatic advances of Kennedy’s New Frontier and Johnson’s Great Society

Understanding the 1960s has never been more important than now when the sitting Supreme Court majority and Republican candidates for President and other high offices have already begun to dismantle the progressive gains in laws of the United States put in place by the bipartisan actions in Congress and Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. 

Dick Goodwin took time off from his graduate work to serve in the US Army as a private. Upon his return he finished Harvard Law School first in his class and President of the Harvard Law Review. He clerked for Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter and joined the writing team of then Senator John Kennedy. The youngest of a famously youthful New Frontier staff for Kennedy, Goodwin soon became a favored researcher and speechwriter for Kennedy through his campaign, presidency and until his death. Goodwin was Associate Counsel to Kennedy mentored by Chief Counsel Ted Sorensen who became a lifelong friend. More

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